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Dawn and Ed started their family by adopting two children. A year later, they adopted a child from an Native Adoption Program and three from Vietnam. Then, two more from DHS and one from India! With a 500 dollar grant from a local club, Dawn started an adoption agency in 1977 to share her knowledge. Today, MAPS helps children worldwide ... from starting an orphanage to building a one-room sch... posted on Jan 11 2003, 783 reads


75 to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians result from stress-related disorders.... posted on Jan 10 2003, 1,111 reads


Doctors Going the Extra Mile
Every year, about 160 Filipino born doctors in California, pack-up and head to the Philippines to provide free medical services, including medication and operations, for the indigent. This year, 160 of them made the trip and saved many lives.... posted on Jan 09 2003, 1,399 reads


Countries generally have a 'Department of War' but why not a 'Department of Peace'? Democratic US Congressman Dennis Kucinich gave a major speech questioning the war on terrorism; following that, he is lobbying for a bill that will create a 'Department of Peace'. He says: if you think peace, you'll create peace. And forty-three fellow Congressmen already agree with him.... posted on Jan 08 2003, 1,175 reads


The small-world effect says that any two people on the planet are connected by a chain of at most six acquaintances. Now mathematicians know why. ... posted on Jan 07 2003, 1,025 reads


... posted on Jan 06 2003, 2,169 reads


... posted on Jan 05 2003, 910 reads


Micro-Loan Revolution
In 1974, Professor Yunus took his Economics students in Bangaladesh to a poor village. They interviewed a woman who made bamboo stools, but who made less than a penny per stool because of all the interest she had to pay to the middlemen. So in 1976, he started the Grameen Bank which gave micro-loans to promote economic growth amongst the world's poorest. Today, they have over 2 million borrower... posted on Jan 04 2003, 1,045 reads


After any disaster, people and resources organize without planning into coordinated, purposeful activity. Everything happens quickly and a little miraculously. These self-organized efforts create effective responses long before official relief agencies can even make it to the scene. But organizational theorists have had a hard time explaining or replicating this concept. Now, Margaret Wheatley ... posted on Jan 03 2003, 965 reads


For the first time in our history, an AIDS vaccine has been put to the final test, to see if it works. In a few weeks, we will know the outcome of AIDSVAX.... posted on Jan 02 2003, 1,243 reads


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There is nothing more uncommon than common sense.
Frank Lloyd Wright

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